World Vegan Day – November 1st

Veganism has grown hugely in popularity in recent years, with the search term going up %550 according to Google! A vegan lifestyle and diet is one that refrains from using or consuming animal products, including meat, eggs, dairy as well as anything made by animal cruelty. ‘Plant-based’ and ‘vegan’ differ, as plant-based refers only to the diet element whereas veganism encapsulates the whole lifestyle that rejects animals as commodities. World Vegan Day celebrates veganism and its benefits for both health and the environment!

Lifestyle is a massive industry on social media, and so naturally World Vegan Day is a very popular social media holiday! Whether you’re vegan or not, use the day to prepare a campaign around the topic. You could spread awareness about veganism, challenge your team to go vegan for the week, or interact with your audience by asking a poll on your Story!

#WorldVeganDay #WorldVeganDay2019 #VeganDay #Veganism #VeganLifestyle #PlantBased #VeganFood #VegansOfInstagram #VGang #PoweredByPlants #EthicalLiving #GoVegan 

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