National Teddy Bear Day – September 9th

We all had a favourite cuddly toy as a child, and some of us have managed to hold on to them into adulthood! Teddy bears represent comfort and imagination, and National Teddy Bear Day is a day to relive all the fond memories of childhood with your stuffed animal friends.

Many people take to social media on National Teddy Bear Day to post a photo of their cherished cuddly friend, or their pet/baby dressed up as a teddy bear… Regardless, it’s a day that gets a surprising amount of engagement. Join the fun by posting some teddy bear content on your profile! This is a feel-good social media holiday giving brands and users the chance to get creative 🐻

#NationalTeddyBearDay #TeddyBear #TeddyBearDay #TeddyBearLover #ChildhoodTeddy #Teddy #CuddlyToy 

🔙 to September’s Social Media Holidays

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